How To Buy The Right Size Clothes For Kids
Online Shopping for Children
Buying new clothes for children can be tricky balancing act of what’s appropriate, in budget and what they like. Given your only option during lockdown is online shopping, when your parcel arrives you want it all to fit! Age is unfortunately only a guideline for sizing based on average heights, with build seemingly not taken into account. You can of course measure them, but you would have to do this every few weeks. Through my designing, styling and parenting experience I’ve devised a handy formula to help.
Not an exact science but this works from toddlers up until children start wearing adult sizes. Think of your child’s percentile, or where they are in class height regarding their gender. For example, 91st percentile (normally 1 kid) will be a head and shoulders above the rest, 3-4 will be a head taller 75th, the main bulk of the class will all be the same’ish 50th and finally 2-3 will on the shorter side 25th.
Always Stylish Kidswear Shopping Formula
91st + 3-4 years onto their age
75th + 2-3 years on their age
75th (slight build) + 1 year
50th (at the taller end) their age + 1 year
50th (in the middle) their age
50th (at the smaller end) their age
25th - 2 years off their age
For example, my daughter is 9 and 75th, we buy 2 years above in M&S due to more generous proportions and 3 in Next as a smaller fit.
Online Personal Shopping
Thank you for reading and I hope this has been of some help? Get in touch by email or click the button below if you’d like to find out which brands come up smaller, bigger, good quality etc. Go to E-styling to find out more about online personal styling advice.